Profil  Kozmický program  Granty  Spolupráca  Výsledky  Populárne      Rôzne Domov SlovakEnglish

DOK-SX - Publikácie

  • Blecki J., H.Rothkael, K.Kossacki, R.Wronowski, Z.Klos, J.Juchnievicz, S.Savin, S.Romanov, S.Klimov, P.Triska, J.Smilauer, J.Simunek, K.Kudela, M.Forster, ULF-ELF-VLF-HF plasma wave observations in the polar cusp onboard high and low altitude satellites, Physica scripta, T75, 259-263, 1998.

  • Korotova G.I., D.G.Sibeck, K.Takahashi, S.Kokubun, K.Kudela, T.Mukai, V.Petrov, V.Styazhkin and J.Safrankova, INTERBALL and GEOTAIL observations of fluxtransfer events, Interball in the ISTP program, eds D.G. Sibeck and K.Kudela, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 103-112, 1999.

  • Kudela K., M.Slivka, D.G.Sibeck, V.N.Lutsenko, E.T.Sarris, P.Kiraly, K.Kecskemety, J.Safrankova, and Z.Nemecek, Energetic proton fluxes within the magnetosheath and upstream from the bow shock: INTERBALL-1 data, Czech. J. Phys., 49, N4a, 591-598, 1999.

  • Kudela K., M.Slivka, D.G.Sibeck, V.N.Lutsenko, E.T.Sarris, J.Safrankova, Z.Nemecek, P.Kiraly, K.Kecskemety, Medium energy particle fluxes outside the magnetopause: INTERBALL-1 data, Adv. Space Res., 25, N7-8, 1517-1522, 2000.

  • Lutsenko V.N., K.Kudela, and E.T.Sarris, The DOK-2 experiment to study energetic particles by the Tail probe and Auroral probe satellites in the INTERBALL project, Cosmic Res., 36, N1, 93-102, 1998 (English version of Kosmicheskie issledovaniya, 36, N1, 94-103, 1998).

  • Lutsenko V.N., and K.Kudela, Almost monoenergetic ions near the Earth's magnetosphere boundaries, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, N3, 413-416, 1999.

  • Lutsenko V.N.,T.V. Grechko, K. Kudela, INTERBALL-2 and -1 observation of energy dispersion events in auroral zone for 30-500 Kev ion and electrons,was presented at ICS-5, St.Petersburg, 16-20 May, 2000, published in ESA SP-443, p. 519-522, July 2000.

  • Sandahl I., R.Lundin, M.Yamauchi, U.Eklund, J.Safrankova, Z.Nemecek, K.Kudela, P.P.Leppig, R.P.Lin, V.N.Lutsenko and J.-A.Sauvaud, Cusp and boundary layer observations by INTERBALL, Adv. Space Res., V.20, N4/5, 823-832, 1997.

  • Sandah I., G. Zastenker, O. Marghitu, J. Blecki, L. Zelenyi, Z. Nemecek, J. Buechner, Yu. Agafonov, B. Nikutowski, M. Ciobanu, V. Grushin, E. Amata, M. Nozdrachev, E. Dubinin, V. Khrapchenkov, S. Orsini, Yu. Yermolaev, L. Prech, M. Parrot, O. Santolik, A. Petrukovich, M. Echim, K. Kudela, A. Fedorov, N. Pissarenko, V. Formisano, S. Romanov, R. Grard, J. Rauch, V. Ivchenko, J. Rustenbach, F. Jiricek, J.A. Sauvaud, U. Auster, J. Juchniewicz, E.T. Sarris, S. Klimov, A. Skalsky, V. Korepanov, J. Smilauer, H. Koskinen, P. Triska, J.G. Trotignon, S.P. Savin, R. Lundin, O. Balan, N. Borodkova, E. Budnik, N. Nikolaeva, V. Prokhorenko, T. Pulkkinen, N. Rybjeva, J. Safrankova, G. Bellucci, J. Vojta, V. Lutsenko, A. Blagau, Interball magnetotail boundary case studies, Adv. Space Res., 20, 999-1015, 1997.

  • Savin S.P., N.L.Borodkova, E.Yu.Budnik, E.M.Dubinin, A.O.Fedorov, S.I.Klimov, V.N.Lutsenko, M.N.Nozdrachev, A.A.Petrukovich, N.F.Pissarenko, S.A.Romanov, A.A.Skalsky, Yu.I.Yermolayev, G.N.Zastenker, L.M.Zelenyi, Yu.N.Agafonov, V.A.Grushin, V.V.Khrapchenkov, N.E.Rybjeva, P.Triska, J.Vojta, F.Jiricek, J.Smilauer, J.Safrankova, Z.Nemecek, E.Amata, G.Bellucci, V.Formisano, S.Orsini, J.-A.Sauvaud, I.Sandahl, H.Koskinen, J.Buechner, B.Nikutowski, J.Rustenbach, M.Ciobanu, O.Balan, A.Blagau, M.Echim, O.Marghitu, K.Kudela, J.Blecki, J.Juchniewicz, R.Grard, J.L.Rauch, J.G.Trotignon, L.Prech, O.Santolik, INTERBALL case magnetotail boundary study, Adv. Space Res., 20, N4/5, 999-1015, 1997.

  • Sergeev V.A., L.I.Vagina, L.M.Zelenyi, M.L.Borodkova, Yu.I.Yermolaev, V.N.Lutsenko, K.Kudela, J.-A.Sauvaud, T.Mukai, S.Kokubun, and D.J.Williams, An event of plasma sheet heating observed by INTERBALL-1 and GEOTAIL spacecraft, Cosmic. Res., 37, N2, 107-112, 1999. (English version of Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, 37, N2, 1999).

  • Sergeev, V.A., J.-A.Sauvaud, D.Popescu, R.A.Kovrazhkin, V.N.Lutsenko, L.M.Zelenyi, M.Sirjasuo, A.Viljanen, T.I.Pulkkinen, K.Kudela, S.Kokubun, T.Mukai, Plasma sheet ion injections into the auroral bulge: Correlative study of spacecraft and ground observations, J. Geophys. Res., 105, A8, 18465-18481, 2000.

  • Sibeck D.G., K.Kudela, R.P.Lepping, R.Lin, Z.Nemecek, M.N.Nozdrachev, T.-D.Phan, L.Prech, J.Safrankova, H.Singer, Y.Yermolaev, Magnetopause motion driven by interplanetary magnetic field variations, J. Geophys. Res., 105, A11, 25155-25169, 2000.

  • Sibeck D.G., K.Kudela, R.P.Lepping, R.Lin, Z.Nemecek, M.N.Nozdrachev, T.-D.Phan, L.Prech, J.Safrankova, H.Singer, Y.Yermolaev, Magnetopause motion driven by interplanetary magnetic field variations, J. Geophys. Res., 105, A11, 25155-25169, 2000.

  • Verkhoglyadova O.P., V.N.Ivchenko, K.Kudela, M.Slivka, V.N.Lutsenko, and S.A.Romanov, Approach to identification of the tail plasma regimes using INTERBALL-1 data, Czech. J. Phys., 49, N4a, 599-606, 1999.

  • Verkhoglyadova O.P., K.Kudela, V.N.Lutsenko, S.A.Romanov and M.Slivka, Identification of the plasma regimes in the magnetosphere tail on the basis of the magnetic fields and particle fluxes measurements, Cosmic Res., 37, N6, 615-622, 1999 (English version).

  • Verkhoglyadova, O.P., K. Kudela, V.N. Lutsenko, S.A. Romanov, M. Slivka, Yu. I. Yermolaev, Study of ion flux tubes in the middle magnetotail with INTERBALL-1 probe, Proceedings of International Symposium "From solar corona through interplanetary space, into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites, and ground-based observatins, Kiev, Ukraine, Feb. 1-4, p.213, 2000.

  • Verkhoglyadova O., K. Kudela, V. Lutsenko, S. Romanov, M. Slivka, Using Magnetotail Variability in Plasma Regime Identification, was presented at ICS-5, St.Petersburg, 16-20 May, 2000, published in ESA p. 599-602, SP-443, July 2000.

  • Yermolaev Yu., G.N.Zastenker, N.L.Borodkova, R.A.Kovrazhkin, K.Kudela, V.N.Lutsenko, N.S.Nikolaeva, Z.Nemecek, M.N.Nozdrachev, J.Safrankova, J.A.Sauvaud, A.A.Skalsky and L.M.Zelenyi, Magnetic cloud event on 6-11 January, 1997: INTERBALL multi-satellite and multi-instrument observation, Proc. 31 ESLAB Symp., "Correlated Phenomena at the Sun, in the Heliosphere and in Geospace", ESTEC/ESA SP-415, 1997.

  • Zelenyi L.M., A.Taktakishvili, V.N.Lutsenko, K.Kudela, INTERBALL observations of the energetic particle spectra in the plasma sheet: indirect evidence of the multiple explosive-like spontaneous reconnection, in: SUBSTORM-4, Internat. Conference of Substorm-4, ed. by S.Kokubun and Y.Kamide, Terra Sci. Pub. Co./Kluwer Academic Publishers, 521-526, 1998.

  • Kudela K., M. Slivka , D. G. Sibeck , V. N. Lutsenko , E. T. Sarris , J. Šafránková , Z. Nemeček ,P. Kiraly , K . Kecskeméty, Medium energy particle fluxes outside of the Magnetopause: Interball-1 Data , Advances in Space Res., Vol.25, No.7/8, 2000 pp.1517-1522.

  • K.Kudela, Lutsenko V.N., Sibeck D.G., Slivka M., Energetic Ions and electrons within magnetosheath and upstream of the bow shock: Interball-1 overview, Advances in Space Res., vol.30, no.7, 2002,pp. 1685-11692.

  • K.Kudela, Sibeck D.G.,Slivka M., Lutsenko V., Gretchko T., Sarris E.T., High Energy Particle Dispesion Events Observed by Interball-1 and -2,

  • Advances in Space Res., 30,No 12,2002 , pp.2849-2854

  • Slivka M., K.Kudela , Proton fluxes in the neutral sheet : a case study by the DOK2 on Interball 1 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, No.12, Vol.52. pp.1357-1370, 2002

  • K.Kudela,Lutsenko V.N.,Sibeck D.G., Slivka M., Energetic Ions Upstream of the Earth's Bow Shock : Interball-1 Survey, Advances in Space Res., vol.30, no.12, 2002,pp. 2731-2736.

  • K.Kudela,Lutsenko V.N.,Sibeck D.G., Slivka M., Gretchko T.V., Sarris E.T. : High Energy Particle Dispersion Events Observed by Interbal - 1 and 2, Advances in Space Res., vol.30, no.12, 2002,pp. 2849-2854.

  • M. Slivka, K.Kudela, Anisotropy of proton fluxes in neutral sheet region measured by DOK-2 on Interball- 1, Planetary and Space Sciences, 53,2005, pp. 217-227.

  • K.Kudela, K., V.N.Lutsenko, E.T.Sarris, D.G.Sibeck, M.Slivka: DOK-2 ion fluxes upstream from the bow shock:characteristics of 4 years of Interball-1 measurements, Planetary and Space Sciences , 53, 2005, pp. 59-64.

  • Kudela K., Slivka M.: Medium energy (25-600 keV) proton flux in vicinity of the Earths bow shock :Interball-1 overview, in Plasma Turbulence and Energetic Particles in Astrophysics, eds M. Ostrowski and R. Schlickeiser, published by Astronomical Observatory of the Jagielovian University, Krakow, 1999 p.210.

  • Kudela K., M. Slivka , J.Stetiarova, M.Ciobanu, V.Lutsenko,,E.T.Sarris, Angular Distribution of High Energy Electrons on Magion 5, Proceeding of International Symposium "From solar corona trough interplanetary space, into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites, and ground-based obsevations, February 1-4,2000, Kyiv,Ukraine,Session I-IV,p.81.

  • O.P.Verhoglyadova, A.Agapitov, K.Kudela, S.A.Romanov ,M.Slivka,Magnetotail regi meidentification with magnetic field anergetic particle flux measurements, COSPAR - ESA Colloquium Acceleration and Heaing in the Magnetosphere, edited by Hanna Rothkaehel and Jan Blecki, 6-10 February 2001, Konstancin-Jeziorna, Poland, p.101, 2001.

  • K. Kudela, V.N.Lutsenko, D.G.Sibeck and M.Slivka , Energetic Ions and Electrons within Magnetosheath and Upstream of the Bow Shock: Interball 1 Overview, COSPAR - ESA Colloquium Acceleration and Heaing in the Magnetosphere, edited by Hanna Rothkaehel and Jan Blecki, 6-10 February 2001, Konstancin-Jeziorna, Poland, p.55. 2001.

  • Slivka M., K.Kudela , Proton fluxes measured in the plasma sheet during December 3, 1996 substorm growth phase, Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, 2, p.152, 2002

  • Slivka M., K.Kudela, O. Verkhoglyadova, J.Štetiarová, Niektoré charakteristiky protónov a elektrónov (E>20 keV) v chvoste magnetosféry : merania Interball-1, 14. konferencia českých a slovenských fyzikov,9.-12.9.2002, Plzeň, Zborník príspevkov II.diel,p.458-461, 2002.

  • Slivka M., K.Kudela, Protóny stredných energií v oblasti plazmovej vrstvy, 14. konferencia českých a slovenských fyzikov,9.-12.9.2002, Plzeň, Zborník príspevkov II.diel,p.441-444, 2002.

  • Kurilchik V., Prokudina V., Kudela K., Slivka M., the study of relations between kilometric radiobursts and energetic electrons during powerful solar flares : Interball-1, Proc. ISCS 2003 Symposium "Solar Variability as an Input to the Earth's Enviroment", Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia 23-28 June 2003 ( Esa SP-535, September 2003, pp. 679-682).

  • Kuznetsov S.N., Ryumin S.P., Kudela K., Slivka M., Just L., Rojko J., Balaz J., Fischer S., Mesurements of energetic particles at low latitudes : selected results obtained on Intercosmos satellites, Proc. of International Scientific conference INTERCOSMOS 30 , Moscow, 9-10 april 2001, Blok-Inform-Express 2003, pp. 218- 224.

  • Lutsenko V.N. ,Fischer S., Vandas M., Plch J., Nemecek Z., Safrankova J., Slaby S., Vesely V., Kudela K., Slivka M., Rojko J., Balaz J., Study of energetic particles of solar and magnetospheric origin in frame of INTERCOSMOS program, Proc. of International Scientific conference ?NTERCOSMOS 30 , Moscow, 9-10 april 2001, Blok-Inform-Express 2003, pp. 246-253.
  •   (c) I&S'2007-2016